List of VocBench related Publications
Main Reference Article
The VocBench 3 reference paper is the following:
Armando Stellato, Manuel Fiorelli, Andrea Turbati, Tiziano Lorenzetti, Willem Gemert, Denis Dechandon, Christine Laaboudi-Spoiden, Anikó Gerencsér, Anne Waniart, Eugeniu Costetchi and Johannes Keizer
VocBench 3: A collaborative Semantic Web editor for ontologies, thesauri and lexicons,
Semantic Web,
1-27, 05, 2020
VocBench 2 reference paper is the following:
- Armando Stellato, Sachit Rajbhandari, Andrea Turbati, Manuel Fiorelli, Caterina Caracciolo, Tiziano Lorenzetti, Johannes Keizer and MariaTeresa Pazienza VocBench: A Web Application for Collaborative Development of Multilingual Thesauri, The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-18818-8_3, (Gandon, Fabien and Sabou, Marta and Sack, Harald and d’Amato, Claudia and Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe and Zimmermann, Antoine eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9088, 38-53, Springer International Publishing, 2015
Also, you may refer to Semantic Turkey publications page in case you want to mention its associated backing RDF framework.
If you are interested in specific uses/applications of VocBench for which is appropriate to add further citations, please get a look at the following publications (ordered by topic) and pick up the reference(s) that best suite your needs
Adoption of VocBench for the maintenance of the Agrovoc thesaurus
- Caterina Caracciolo, Armando Stellato, Sachit Rajbhandari, Ahsan Morshed, Gudrun Johannsen, Yves Jaques and Johannes Keizer Thesaurus Maintenance, Alignment and Publication as Linked Data - The AGROVOC Use Case, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies,, pp. 65-75, v. 7, Issue 1, Inderscience Publishers, DOI: 10.1504/IJMSO.2012.048511; ISSN: 1744-2621 (Print); 1744-263X (Online), , 14 August 2012
Extensions or complementary tools to VocBench
Check the publications page of Sheet2RDF, a system for lifting spreadsheet data to meaningful RDF content.
Other Publications about VocBench 3
Armando Stellato, Andrea Turbati, Manuel Fiorelli, Tiziano Lorenzetti, Eugeniu Costetchi, Christine Laaboudi, Willem Van Gemert and Johannes Keizer
Towards VocBench 3: Pushing Collaborative Development of Thesauri and Ontologies Further Beyond,
Proceedings of the 17th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems Workshop, co-located with the 21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2017 (TPDL 2017)
VOL. 1937, pp. 39-52, 2017