Reformatting Exporters

Reformatting Exporters are plugin implementations of the eponym extension point providing serialization of RDF data to different formats. These are usually invoked in the context of data dump operations.

Available extensions

This section lists all extensions bundled with the current VocBench. Details about the extension point and its available plugins, such as the interface definition, method signatures and parameters description are provided on dedicated Semantic Turkey pages.

RDF Serializing Exporter

To use the RDF Serializing Exporter select RDF serializing exporter in the Reformatter context menu. The default export format is RDF/XML, but you can choose from more than a dozen RDF serialization formats, as shown in the figure below.

RDF serializing exporter

A click on the Configure button opens a dialog form where you can specify some optional parameters.

RDF serializing exporter configuration

The following options are available:

SDMX Serializing Exporter

To use the SDMX Serializing Exporter (it can be used only on SKOS projects) select SDMX serializing exporter in the Reformatter context menu

SDMX serializing exporter 1

Then click on the Configure button to specify the mandatory and optional parameters

SDMX serializing exporter Configuration

The parameters are:

Once the parameters have been set, click ok and, if also the, desired, Graphs to export have been selected and the transformers have been added and configured, click on Submit to generate the export.

VocBench will generate an XML file, following the SDMX standard (see SDMX official site for more info). A couple of screenshots of a generated SDMX file, using VocBench, are:

SDMX file 1


SDMX file 2

Spreadsheet Serializing Exporter

This exporter exports data to an Excel spreadsheet (*.xlsx) in a specific layout which has been devised specifically for SKOS projects by the developers of VocBench.

Spreadsheet serializing exporter


Spreadsheet serializing exporter configuration


Here is a screenshot of a very simple example thesaurus in VocBench.

Sample thesaurus screenshot

The screenshot below shows its representation in a spreadsheet created by the VocBench Spreadsheet Serializing Exporter.

Spreadsheet serializing exporter sample output

Zthes Serializing Exporter

Zthes is a thesaurus representation format for term-oriented thesauri. The output format is XML. For further information see Zthes website.

Zthes serializing exporter


Zthes serializing exporter configuration

On Submit VocBench will generate an XML file conforming to the the Zthes specification. The following example shows two thesaurus concepts in the Vocbench tree structure.

Sample thesaurus

This is what the corresponding Zthes XML output file will look like:

Zthes sample output

The relation types and term types in the example show the term-oriented structure of Zthes:

Note that SKOS concept schemes (and their relations to concepts) are not exported, since they have no equivalents in Zthes.