RDF Transformers

RDF transformers allow to manipulate RDF data in the context of an export operation. They can be used to delete existing triples or create new ones in order to meet certain modelling patterns or information needs.

Technical and code-level details

Details about the extension point and its available plugins, such as the interface definition, method signatures and parameters description are provided on dedicated Semantic Turkey pages.

Available extensions

This section lists all extensions bundled with the current VocBench

Delete Property Value RDF Transformer

This is an RDF transformer that can be configured to delete a property value.

Delete property value RDF transformer


An example would be nice (e.g. dct:modified???)

Property Normalizer Transformer

This RDF transformer can be used to normalize a set of properties by replacing them with another property.

Property Normalizer transformer


Scheme Exporter Transformer

This RDF transformer can be configured to export a given scheme.

Scheme Exporter transformer


SPARQL RDF Transformer

This RDF transformer can be configured through a SPARQL Update.

SPARQL Update RDF transformer


For an example see the page on The SPARQL RDF Transformer.

Update Property Value RDF Transformer

An RDF transformer that can be configured to update a property value.

Update property value RDF transformer


XLabel Dereification RDF Transformer

This RDF transformer performs XLabel dereification, i.e. it transforms SKOSXL labels to SKOS labels. You can use this transformer to export a SKOSXL thesaurus in SKOS format.

XLabel Dereification RDF transformer


XNote Dereification RDF Transformer

This RDF transformer performs XNote dereification, i.e. it can be used to transform reified notes into simple notes.

XNote Dereification RDF transformer
