RDF Lifters
An RDF Lifter can transform content conforming to some data format into RDF.
Available extensions
This section lists extensions bundled with the current VocBench that can be accessed from the "Load data" page when the default option "Load from file" is selected.

Details about the extension point and its available plugins, such as the interface definition, method signatures and parameters description are provided on dedicated Semantic Turkey pages.
RDF Deserializing Lifter
This RDF Lifter deserializes RDF data according to a concrete RDF syntax. It allows VocBench to load data in more than a dozen RDF serialization formats.

The RDF serialization format is automatically detected, it does not need to be specified by the user.
Spreadsheet Deserializing Lifter
An RDF Lifter that creates RDF data from a spreadsheet in a specific layout created by the Spreadsheet Serializing Exporter (see example here).
Zthes Deserializing Lifter
The Zthes specification for thesaurus representation (first published in 1999, latest version in 2006) defines an abstract model and a concrete XML format for representing term-oriented thesauri following ISO 2788, and was widely used at the time. The Zthes Lifter provides the possibility to migrate thesauri from Zthes to SKOS.
Be aware that Zthes does not know about skos:ConceptSchemes and properties skos:inScheme and skos:topConceptOf. After loading data from Zthes it is therefore recommended to create a skos:ConceptScheme and add concepts, e.g. by going to Tools > Integrity Constraint Validation (ICV) and running ICV "Concepts in no scheme" and then choose "Add to skos:ConceptScheme". With no scheme selected, you can then mark the top concepts (i.e. concepts with no broaders) as skos:topConceptOf.